The World of Sangrar

An encyclopedia for the world of Sangrar, prepared by me, your host, Jerilyn Haligar.  I’m a Sangrarian historian, actually the Sangrarian historian, seeing as there aren’t any others.   Sangrar is the setting for The Tale of Ages, which I also penned, though I’m letting Chris take the credit (or blame if it turns out to be a dud) for it.

The encyclopedia focuses on three eras of history and geography:

1 – The Elder Days

2 – The Sangritharian Empire up to the time of time Hali

3 – The city-state of Renk on the sub-continent of Tyrnavalle

The first entry is “Important things to know”.   This article contains brief descriptions, and in some cases links to longer ones, of key pieces of Sangrarian lore, those items which crop up again and again in describing other topics.  This  is a good place to start.

I’ve organized the material into topical subjects and each of the three areas listed above are touched upon in those sections, where appropriate.   Some topics are unique to a particular era.  An example is earthsong (under magik), which did not exist after the Elder Days.  The topical subjects are:








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