Dwarven Geneology

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This chart shows the Mountain Dwarves from Dar Highfather to Dalin, who ruled the Highpeak Dwarves of Tyrnvalle during Hali’s timei.  Until the Reckoning, the Forge Folk were immortal, like all Elder Races.  Afterwards, they lost their immortality (Finbardin revoked his gift from all but the Fair Folk and still claimed that he didn’t play favorites), though their life spans were still unnaturally long.  The Mountain Dwarves were the ruling clan before the Battle of Unending Night, but too many died in the war to sustain the old clan bloodlines.  For the next thousand years, some Forge Folk believed that the clans could make a comeback (now that was Dwarven honor stubbornness at work) until the Reckoning dispelled that notion.  There was no place in the age of Mankind for the ancient clans.

There are lots of names on the charts and after studying them for a few minutes, they may start blurring together.  If so, it’s understandable, they all sound very similar.  For a Dwarf, picking a name was like playing Wheel of Fortune with only four letters – D, V, G and R and you didn’t really need to buy any vowels, they were implied.

Dar’s descendants can be traced from Caradar to the Daladorn Mountains of Fanar to the Highpeaks and Achmad Mountains of Tyrnavalle.   The Forge Folk weren’t great record keepers, but Sudnar was smiling on me one day in Kandol’s library and I found a detailed family tree that Dargrav, a scholar from some offshoot of the House of Dan, had put together.  Posted first are quick snapshots showing the descent of Durin II and Frith III, the two Dwarven kings on Tyrnavalle when the Long Night started.  I do have a source from the Daladorn Dwarves, but haven’t gotten around to the grunt work required for posting.  It takes some time you know, all that copying, pasting, scanning, cropping, drawing, annotating, linking and all of it done while avoiding HTML or anything resembling code like the plague.

Part one covers a deceptively long period of time.  The Years of Glory lasted two thousand eight hundred forty four years, and the Years of Tears an even thousand.  Dar III was born in the Elder Days after the Stones fell and lived an extremely long time, as did his children and grandchildren, though each generation had less years than the one before it.  By the time of Galdan, who led Dwarves south to Tyrnavalle, more than six thousand years had passed, and the kings lived half a dozen centuries, give or take.

Below are the descents from Galdan to Durin II and Frith III, the two Dwarven kings of Tyrnavalle when Sangrar ended.

Lastly, a series of thumbnails culled from the aforementioned book from Kandol’s library showing these same Dwarven houses in more detail.  Fair warning, there are many names, but not much story to go with them.

First, the House of Dalarus in the Highpeaks, the older of the two kingdoms:



And then the House of Dan, in the Achmad Mountains:



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