As you’ve noticed by now, or maybe not if you’re one of the rare ones who actually read things in order) this encyclopedia of Sangrar covers a long span of time and most things just aren’t static after nearly twenty thousand years of elapsed time. That might not be a long time when you’re talking about traveling interstellar distances, but it is longer than all of recorded history in your world.
Arguably the most significant change during the course of Sangrar’s history was the evolution of the three Suns lighting Sangrar. The Herald created them as reflections of Arra, the Sun of Heaven, which he also created. When they first appeared in Esel, the Suns were lit all the time, hence the Full Radiance of the Three Suns, which I’ll admit is a rather clunky mouthful (though in Elvish, one word sufficed).
24×7 lighting does present certain head scratchers. For one thing, a whole section of language was cordoned off like Area 51. Morning, night, dawn, dusk, twilight and other words you take for granted had no meaning on Sangrar. Telling time presented another difficulty. In your world, the rising and setting of Sol offered a pretty good clue, but not on Sangrar. Fortunately, Finbardin granted the Elder Races an innate sense of time and circadian rhythm. A day was divided into three Watches, one named for each Sun, and the Elder Races slept mostly during Olla’s.
At the onset of the Battle of Unending Night, Erlik escaped the Darkhold and extinguished the light in the Suns. The entire battle (it should have been named the War of Unending Night. The so-called battle took place on multiple simultaneous fronts, but war wasn’t in the vernacular of the Elder Races back them.) took place in Darkness.
At the end of the Battle of Unending night (try BUN if that’s just too much to say), the Darkness was driven from the Suns. I’ll save the telling of how for later, it’s way too complicated to explain in this short space, but suffice it to say that it was no easy task. In fact, it was so diffiicult that it was only partially successful. Light was restored to the Suns, but the the Darkness was not entirely driven from them.
Thereafter, until the end of the Elder Days and throughout the Age of Man, light and darkness battled twice daily for supremacy in the Suns. At each dawn, light led by Aerial the Dawn Goddess defeated One-Eye’s darkness and at each dusk, darkness won back the Suns.
No matter what else changed with the turning of the ages, you could always count on seeing Edda, Imma and Olla in the sky. When the Long Night came to an end and the new age began, there was only one sun. That more than anything told me how much the world had changed.
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