This scene is ripped from the pages of The Curse of Arvyl’s Folly
Maelryn the professor smiled, pleased with his student. “Now that, friend Hali, is the right question. The Craeylu gathered in Heaven around a pool, into which they poured their essences, imbuing it with the power of creation, and from this pool of life they pulled forth the Firstborn. Ninety-eight times in all, a hundred and one counting the Harnae, who were both more and less than Firstborn, the gods stirred the primordial soup, and each time a Firstborn emerged, each new and different from the last, each holding the gods’ gifts in different proportions.”
“What does that mean?”
“Some were short and some were tall,” cracked Kaphiri.
“Hardly,” said Maelryn, who seldom appreciated the adjutant’s humor. “The Craeylu had spent an age contemplating the Elder Races, Deridean most of all, and he devised the grand design. Each Firstborn received blessings from every Craeylu, but the gifts varied according to the Councilor’s plan. From Finbardin, we gained eternal life, strength of sinew and a sense of time. Harnor gave us sorcery and to his chagrin, Aerdran and Lillandra offered Earth Magik, which he named cheap. Lillandra gave us the promise of children, Nyllen passion and art, and from Grandar, the spirit of invention. From Aeriel, we inherited free will and from her brother, Deridean, the wisdom to use her gift wisely. Each Elder Race gained these gifts in different amounts. My people had the largest dose of Harnor’s, save the Triad, and the Ravirs the least, but the dog men of Jahar were strongest in Spirit’s weave thanks to the Keepers’ blessing and the greatest part of Deridean’s largesse went to the Pangral.”
The campfire darkened to scarlet. “But for all their planning, the Craeylu miscalculated. Their recipes required one missing ingredient, Sorrow, the gift of Erlik. Bringing forth the Elder Races was the prime purpose for which Zuras and Majestrix had made the Craeylu and not even imprisonment could keep One-Eye from that destiny. Let that be a lesson, Hali. Not even the gods can escape fate.”