While running errands today, I tuned into 92.3 The Fan, as I often do. Andy Baskin and Jeff Phelps were discussing an interview from a sister station, 93.7 The Fan out of Pittsburgh. John Phillips interviewed Pete Rose for his thoughts on baseball’s newest scandal, the Biogenesis affair which resulted in twelve player suspensions, including Alex Rodriguez’s unprecedented 211 game suspension.
Here’s what Rose had to say: “… And to be honest with you, I picked the wrong vice. I should have picked alcohol. I should have picked drugs or I should have picked up beating up my wife or girlfriend because if you do those three, you get a second chance. They haven’t given too many gamblers a second chances in the world of baseball.”
What do you think about this? I, for one, think Rose should be in the Hall of Fame. I always have. His on the field accomplishments are untarnished. As for his gambling, I grew up admiring Charlie Hustle and his unbelievable competitiveness, so I believe him when he says that he always bet on the Reds to win, never to lose. I thought his lifetime suspension harsh
In-sport gambling by professional athletes is wrong. Rose deserved punishment for his actions and got it, but hasn’t his punishment lasted long enough? How does his lifetime ban compare with the recent PED suspensions?
I’m asking because 1) I really want to know what you think and because 2) I want to experiment with the polldaddy plugin. Weigh in now!
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Pete Rose for sure deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. I think he has more that paid for his crime and should be reinstated immediately. However I don’t see it happening until Selig is gone…