“The power of the God-Emperors didn’t come from the Spires, Jerilyn, nor was it a derivative of Spirit’s cheap, forgotten magik. Issuing from a wellspring of divinity, it was altogether different, and, when fully vested in one of the blood, a power to be reckoned with. The taint of shadow did not strip its potency. If anything, the wild chaos of madness made it more formidable.” The Wizard of the Blue Lagoon
#1 – Remembering
I was walking home from the market, down one of Dathyl’s busy streets, when someone tapped me on the shoulder from behind.
“Jerilyn, is that you?” asked an unfamiliar voice. Continue reading
On Sangrithar
“Ancient Sangrithar was the mightiest of the kingdoms of Man. In its heyday, it came close to rivaling the beauty of my beloved Nammovalle, but by the time of Hali, it had become a den of iniquity. I petitioned the Lady more than once for permission to honor my vow, but she merely shook her head and counseled me to have patience. In the end, the Balance did prevail, as it always does, but far too much blood was spilled.” Kandol Elf Lord
On Promises
“No, Jerilyn. I never regretted my oath to Thar and Raena, despite what came of it. Even then, I knew Thar’s identity, though it was not for me to reveal. As the servant of the Balance, I was duty bound to offer my aid. Duty can be a terrible burden.” Kandol Elf Lord
On Kandol
“After pulling down the Darkhold, Kandol retired to Tar-Vydael, his tower atop the Mountain of Clouds. Weary from the toils of his labor, he hoped to devote his days to the study of the Balance and leave the fate of the world to other, more deserving heroes. The promise his parents had made to the Maiden and the Beast Lord amidst the Stones of Jahar so long ago, the vow that had bound him in secrecy and forced him to lie to those he loved, had been repaid at last, or so he thought. But the Balance did not agree.” Jerilyn of Colcester
On the Prophecies
“These are the Prophecies, Sangrar’s watchwords through the ages, as Kandol Elf Lord told them to me. The Primals first dreamt them in the Void, visions too complex for mere words, and shared them with the gods at the Feast of Creation. Though my humble prose falls woefully short, may you remember them nonetheless, noble reader, in this new age where the gods have forsaken us and only one Sun shines, and think fondly of those who came before you.” Jerilyn of Colcester.
Preface – Curse of Arvyl’s Folly
Welcome, noble reader, to The Tale of Ages, a testament to a place that never was. My name is Jerilyn Haligar, formerly of Colcester, and you hold in your hands my life’s work, the annals of ancient and well-storied world of Sangrar. Continue reading
On the Maiden
“When it was springtime and She appeared as the Maiden, She enchanted everyone who saw Her. Though it’s been many a year since I’ve heard Her call, I’d answer in an instant if I ever heard it again. The times we shared.” Kandol Elf Lord
On the Vanara
“The Vanara are legendary and their names ring proud in our histories. Bangal, Beldar, Glorianna, Pugnar, and Vitale. Yet the Holy Vanguard were not the first combining the power of the Craeylu with the Elemenes. Before them came Numra, God of the Secret Fire and Annumbra the World Walker.” Jerilyn of Colcester
On Aeriel
“In my day, Aeriel was the Goddess of the Dawn and a herald for peace. But how can there be a lady of the dawn in a world of Eternal daylight?” Jerilyn of Colcester