“Throughout history, villains like Daeryss have fallen into shadow. He was not the first, nor will he be the last. It’s fair to say that the Necessity of Opposition is responsible, but does that means that they’re not accountable for the choices that they made. Does the existence of the Necessity mean that they should shoulder no blame? Do you think we should pity them? Or hate them for the sorrow they caused?” Jerilyn of Colcester
Tag Archives: ch6
On Tyrnavalle
“Honestly, Jerilyn? I just preferred Tyrnavalle over Fanar. Besides, why live in Mankind’s crowded cities when I could visit any time I chose? Far traveling does have its uses, you know. If I had to guess why, I’d say it was my upbringing. Our only guest in the Grove was Kandol and he was anything but a frequent visitor. Valdarag and Aeris were the first of many I planned on entertaining, but Kandol ruined those plans. Fanar was too noisy for my taste, so I chose Tyrnavalle. For thousands of years, while the kingdoms of Mankind rose and fell on Fanar, Tyrnavalle remained virgin and unexplored. The first men didn’t step on its shores until well after Ataryl started the God-Emperors’ dynasty. Before that it was largely unsettled. A few Elves, led in Hali’s time by one named Haleya, lived in the QuendiForest, scattered survivors of the lost Elven tribes of the Elder Days, and a smattering of other Elder Races dwelled in Tyrnavalle’s hills, vale and weald. And, of course, there were Dragons.” The Wizard of the Blue Lagoon
On Sangrithar
“Sangrithar was not a pleasant place in those days, Jerilyn. I did visit from time to time, always incognito of course, not that anyone would recognize me, but I’d invariably return to my home in Tyrnavalle. I much preferred the wilds of the subcontinents to Sangrithar’s civilization. By your day, things were different. Mad emperors, deluded by false claims of divinity no longer sat upon the Pearl Throne and some semblance of order had been restored, though the City of the Golden Star never again attained the splendor it had achieved during the reign of the Priest-Kings.” The Wizard of the Blue Lagoon