On Dragons

“Don’t look so surprised by the mention of Dragons, Jerilyn.  I know that a few of the wyrms made lairs on Fanar but most, like me, preferred Tyrnavalle’s solitude, even those spawned by Davyrma.  I suppose I do feel some distant kinship with them, their heritage comes from the Lord of the Spires just as mine does, but I am no more their cousin than you are the butterfly’s.  And, before you ask, I do not hold a grudge against the Seeress for her judgment against my Grandfather.  He got what he deserved for circumventing Finbardin’s will.  In the end, it worked out for the best.  In fulfilling their doom, Dracoris and Davyrma served Finbardin’s will as their father would not.  To tell the truth, I’d tip my hat to the Seeress if I were wearing one.  Her prophetic gaze looked far into the future when she thwarted Harnor.”  The Wizard of the Blue Lagoon

On Tyrnavalle

“Honestly, Jerilyn?  I just preferred Tyrnavalle over Fanar.  Besides, why live in Mankind’s crowded cities when I could visit any time I chose?  Far traveling does have its uses, you know.  If I had to guess why, I’d say it was my upbringing.  Our only guest in the Grove was Kandol and he was anything but a frequent visitor.  Valdarag and Aeris were the first of many I planned on entertaining, but Kandol ruined those plans.   Fanar was too noisy for my taste, so I chose Tyrnavalle. For thousands of years, while the kingdoms of Mankind rose and fell on Fanar, Tyrnavalle remained virgin and unexplored.  The first men didn’t step on its shores until well after Ataryl started the God-Emperors’ dynasty.  Before that it was largely unsettled.  A few Elves, led in Hali’s time by one named Haleya, lived in the QuendiForest, scattered survivors of the lost Elven tribes of the Elder Days, and a smattering of other Elder Races dwelled in Tyrnavalle’s hills, vale and weald.  And, of course, there were Dragons.”  The Wizard of the Blue Lagoon 

On Tirel

“After the Long Night, the world changed, Jerilyn.  The Dark Lord is gone and without him, there is no place for his Dark Ones.  The demons of the Elder Days – the Ulgarja, the Jixari, even the rune-scarred Maldoks – are no more.  But this age is also governed by the Necessity and its evil has a name.  The Adversary.”   The Wizard of the Blue Lagoon

On Sorcery

“Kandol had no reason to mourn the loss of his Earth Magik; there was nothing he couldn’t accomplish with sorcery.  Trained as a high adept by my parents in the Grove of the Silver Birch, he knew spells that others could never hope to master and the depths of his power ran deeper than the Halls of Ruling.  Nor did the Age of Man cause his power to dim.  The Towers of Sorcery did not bind him as they did mortal wizards and he could tap the Spires unhindered.”   The Wizard of the Blue Lagoon

On Sangrithar

“Sangrithar was not a pleasant place in those days, Jerilyn.  I did visit from time to time, always incognito of course, not that anyone would recognize me, but I’d invariably return to my home in Tyrnavalle.  I much preferred the wilds of the subcontinents to Sangrithar’s civilization.  By your day, things were different.  Mad emperors, deluded by false claims of divinity no longer sat upon the Pearl Throne and some semblance of order had been restored, though the City of the Golden Star never again attained the splendor it had achieved during the reign of the Priest-Kings.”   The Wizard of the Blue Lagoon

On the God-Emperor

“The power of the God-Emperors didn’t come from the Spires, Jerilyn, nor was it a derivative of Spirit’s cheap, forgotten magik.  Issuing from a wellspring of divinity, it was altogether different, and, when fully vested in one of the blood, a power to be reckoned with.  The taint of shadow did not strip its potency.  If anything, the wild chaos of madness made it more formidable.”   The Wizard of the Blue Lagoon