On Sangrithar

“Back then, the Sangritharian Empire stretched from the western shores of Fanar to the Andurant River in the south and the Steppes of the Humadin to the north.  The kingdoms of Sidona and Ambisant came later, after the Pearl Throne toppled.  Cormane, Tanylcar and Umbari were all outlying provinces in the west, where little imperial gold was spent.  The people had no great love for the God-Emperor and were ripe for rebellion.  ”    Jerilyn of Colcester

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On Nammydan

“My father?  History has not treated my father well, Jerilyn.  Sandwiched between Grandfather’s exploits and my own oft-exaggerated accomplishments, his deeds did not weather well the tests of time.  Consider also his brothers.  It is not so easy to stand tall amidst legends.  ”  Kandol Elf Lord

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#5 – Free Will

Well, it turns out that wizards can hold a grudge.  Tarik didn’t visit me the next week, or the week after that or the week after that. A full month passed before I saw his familiar form trudging down the streets of Arvon.   After all those no-shows, I hadn’t prepared one of my so-called feasts and could only offer a loaf of crusty bread and a hunk of cheese.

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On Tirel

“I did meet a Bardalla once.  He was a man of power, though his power was not the arcane might of the Spires, he wielded a different power altogether.  I was reminded of the Bardalla by Dommler the Mad.  Once a promising crusader in the Church of Anir, he turned his back on his faith and became a mystic steeped in the lore of the ancient world.  He told me once that he spoke with spirits.”    Wizard of the Blue Lagoon

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On God-Emperors

“Darmyn the Righteous was a throwback to the golden age of Sangrithar, when the God-Emperors ruled free of the curse.  The son of Tormyn Blackheart and grandson of the Dreamer, Darmyn fought against the madness lapping him like a pup starved for affection every day of his glorious reign.  His legions defended the weak, his coffers fed the poor, his temples celebrated every god and through his good works, he cleansed Sangrithar’s honor of his father’s stains.  The circumstances of his death were sudden and never made public, though most believe he fell at the hand of his son, Tardyn the Slayer.”    Jerilyn of Colcester

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On Humadin

“After leaving the Mountain of Clouds, I journeyed to the Northern Steppes to meet the Humadin.  Kandol had piqued my curiosity.  For a while, I fell in with the Eselkaru, the eagle clan, and lived on the platforms built into the branches of the spruces common to the western steppes.  They were experts with the javelin and the malkanta, a broad-bladed sword.  Their Bardalla, a man named Jendallu, had a gift for putting people at ease.  He always seemed to know just what they wanted.  The Eselkaru said that he was strong in the ways of the Spirit World.”  Jerilyn of Colcester

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